our Team

Yvonne Renz

Constantin Renz


Yvonne Renz, born on 30.09.1984.


The head of the "team" and administrator of all tasks, in the field of exhibitions and preparations of breeding. In addition also the dog handler on the dog place for BH and further educations like BH2 and 3 or IPO.


With her knowledge of the animals in conjunction with further education and seminars, we can always rely on her.


She found her great passion for dogs in her 1st dog Gonzo. A lovable guy who came to you as a "problem dog". Through a lot of hard work, seminars and workshops, the "problem dog" became a friend for all time. Gonzo was also a great "father" for Lilo. Unfortunately, he died in 2015. But his heritage has helped us to the idea of breeding.


Constantin Renz, born on 13.12.1985.


The "water boy" :). He is responsible for everything concerning the organization for exhibitions, dog food and dog training. But also for the important topic of dog training, the precursor for everything else in the life of a dog. For the education, it is necessary to select the dog schools wisely. Because no dog is like the other.


The dog theme plays a big role in his life from an early age. The 1st dog was a Eurasian, from childhood to a young adult. The knowledge of dog ownership and education, then and now, is very important in dealing with dogs. 


Both of them have decided to dedicate themselves to the topic dog, especially the breed Beauceron, which by its still natural and independent way, has taken the heart of the two.



